Spring Garden Tour
Our biggest fundraiser is the annual Spring Garden Tour. The Tour is usually held the last Saturday of April. Usually five to six homes are included in the tour, along with a fantastic raffle. Check this website in early Spring for specific dates. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased on this website, at our monthly meetings, and at each home on the tour. Funds from this tour go toward our annual Scholarship Fund.
Our fabulous Raffatunity offerings at the Spring Tour are not to be missed!
Annual Plant Sale
Each Spring Club members share plants they have propagated to be sold at our Annual Plant Sale. Funds from the Annual Plant Sale go our general fund.
Trips and Tours
The club's Tours and Trips are fun and interesting excursions to points of interest around the Valley and beyond!
Creative offerings give members a chance to craft something new that is usually garden related for a reasonable fee.