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Current members can renew their

dues beginning April 1

for the fiscal year from July through June.

Those who renew or join after June 30 will miss the deadline to be included in the annual yearbook/directory.


Members who ONLY need to change information...

If your address, email address, phone or other information is NOT correct in the yearbook, enter your name, email address and your corrected information. Then click Submit FORM.

New Members...

please fill out all of the information on the form to the right, then click on Submit FORM. Then pay in one of two ways:

Pay by mail... Mail your $20 check to:

Turlock Garden Club, P.O. Box 355,

Turlock, CA 95381



Pay by credit card...Click the Buy NOW button which will lead you to a form asking for your payment information.


Any questions, email us at

Membership Information

Membership Type

If there are no changes to your information since our last Membership Directory, NO INFORMATION NEEDS TO BE ENTERED. Scroll to bottom of form, choose your form of payment and either hit Submit FORM (if paying by check) or hit Buy Now (if paying by credit card). You will be emailed a receipt for your payment.

I will pay my Membership Dues by:


You'll be hearing from us soon!

Credit Cards.jpeg

Thanks for submitting!

A $0.50 per transactions convenience fee will be charged for online payments.

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